Common Poses to Try During Your Prenatal Yoga

Remember the time when you were thrilled to see the second line of your positive pregnancy test. No matter what it is the feeling that you cannot just separate even though you have mixed emotions. Pregnancy is the time that has some feelings and emotions welcomed and the others are just downright scary and uncomfortable. Now what? Are you feeling worried about the long time period, the twist and turn pregnancy has? If yes then you can stick to this particular blog. In today’s blog, we will discuss different solutions we can do to maintain stress and other early pregnancy complications.

During the period of pregnancy, it is important to stay healthy and active both for yourself and for the child. Doing exercises, engaging yourself in yoga and meditation helps your body build strength, improve flexibility, and develop balance. For expecting women it is advised to do prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga is a form of yoga that is specially created for pregnant ladies and their changing bodies. It is considered a gentler and low-impact form of yoga that helps make you comfortable and continue the work easily. 

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga 

Prenatal yoga comes with its own set of benefits. It involves: 

  1. Decrease in lower back pain 
  2. Better balance 
  3. Mindfulness 
  4. Improved mental health 
  5. Less pain during delivery 
  6. Awareness of the changing body 
  7. Increases the strength of the muscles

Prenatal Yoga Poses to try

There are several prenatal yoga poses to try but not all yoga poses are comfortable and recommended to be done. Below listed are the most common ones that any pregnant woman can practice.

First-Trimester Yoga Poses 

1.   Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-knee Forward Bend)

Janu Sirsasana pose is done to strengthen back muscles, improve digestion, stretch backs, hips, and legs.  

2.   Marjaryasana to Bitilasana (Cat-Cow pose)

Marjaryasana to bitilasana yoga pose is done to relieve back and shoulder, reduce the belly pressure, improve spinal mobility, and feel a nice stretch in the neck, shoulder, and torso. 

Second-Trimester Yoga Poses 

1.   Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

The Baddha Konasana or the butterfly stretch is the yoga pose that helps in boosting circulation, improving digestive organs, easing the pain of childbirth, knee pain, swollen feet, and others. 

2.  Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Trikonasana pose helps in busting the energy and provides relief in the neck and back. The triangle pose helps in improving body flexibility and is also advised for people working in offices. 

Third-Trimester Yoga Poses 

1.  Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Sukhasana yoga pose is generally considered as a meditation pose that helps lengthen the spins, open your hips, and help calm your body by fighting stress and anxiety. 

2.  Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) 

Virabhadrasana II or Warrior II is the yoga pose that improves circulation, opens your hips, and strengthens your body. The yoga pose helps provide relief in neck and back pain and is allowed to perform as it works with your center of gravity as you align your body. 

According to Dr. Elsa, the best consultant of obstetrician in dubai it is advised to hold the comfortable pose for 30 seconds to 60 seconds in the first trimester and second trimester, and less than 30 seconds in the third trimester. 

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